DAKWATUL ISLAM: Scientific journal of publication E-ISSN:2828-5484 | P-ISSN: 2581-0987 is an open access journal published twice a year, namely in June and December by the Diniyah Pekanbaru Islamic College through the Institute for Research and Community Service department. Open access means that it can be accessed at any time by anyone for free without the need to subscribe. This open access is expected to increase readability and increase author citations to develop knowledge. This journal is a medium of scientific communication between lecturers, experts, practitioners, students and others who are interested in the study of community development.
The purpose of Dakwatul Islam in this journal is academic. This journal examines dakwah bil-hal empirically, namely various community development activities in the form of change, empowerment, strengthening and capacity building that lead to a better life. Articles published are not normative in nature but this journal will publish articles that examine the phenomenon of community development carried out by the community/ facilitators as it is.
The Journal of Dakwatul Islam publishes scientific works resulting from library research and field research which are useful for developing concepts and theories of community development covering the fields of Islamic da'wah, Social and Culture, human Resource development, development of Economic Resources and Development of Environmental Resources. In each published volume, the articles published in this journal are scientific studies of social problems or phenomena that develop in society. The results are in the form of original ideas as well as a summary of research results which are set forth in two languages, namely Indonesian and English, so that anyone can understand and understand. The published manuscripts are original and have never been published with a maximum similarity check of 25%.
Acceptance of New Articles
The Dawatul Islam Journal opens opportunities for those of you who wish to submit articles for publication on:
(June), Deadline Submitted: May 30 each year
(December), Deadline Submitted: November 30 each year.
For that we invite you from all over the world to publish the manuscript. We accept articles from literature research and field research for publication. Issuance is carried out twice a year, namely in June and December each year. Submitting manuscripts via OJS, we advise those of you who want to write to submit them immediately via the website by following the WRITING GUIDELINES and MANUSCRIPT TEMPLATE guidelines. All incoming manuscripts will go through a checking process by two reviewers and editing by a board of editors who are competent in da'wah studies and community development.
For further information, please contact the editorial board at Hp/WA 085265737376
Dakwatul Islam has a license below Lisensi Internasional Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 .
Editorial Address
Prodi PMI IAI Diniyah Pekanbaru Jl. Kuau No.001 / Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No.100, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia, 28121
Info kontak
Telpon/WA: 085265737376