• Raspan Hamdi Universitas Prima Indonesia PSDKU Pekanbaru
  • Sunarsih Universitas Prima Indonesia PSDKU Pekanbaru
  • Arifin Universitas Prima Indonesia PSDKU Pekanbaru
  • Alfina Tiur Mida Sitanggang Universitas Prima Indonesia PSDKU Pekanbaru
  • Putri Fatimah Universitas Prima Indonesia PSDKU Pekanbaru
Keywords: Human resources, Potential Review


In order to effectively realize the company's vision and mission, one of the most important components is human resources. Employees are the most important asset in an organization so that each employee is required to work optimally based on their abilities. This research aims to measure the potential possessed by employees who take part in performance evaluations and to fulfill the self-development needs of employees at CV BM. The subject in this research was 1 person who was in the position of cutting & design coordinator. Data collection methods use psychological tests and interviews. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis and qualitative analysis. The results of the assessment show that the subject does not meet the potential standards expected in the position of cutting & design coordinator with a recommendation of "Not Recommended" and needs to be developed in the aspects of problem solving ability, leadership in groups, ability to collaborate in teams, work flexibility, emotional stability and communication. . The conclusion of the potential review assessment for the cutting & design coordinator position requires development through a coaching program, so that the subject can increase his competence and remain able to work optimally.


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How to Cite
Hamdi, R., Sunarsih, Arifin, Alfina Tiur Mida Sitanggang, & Putri Fatimah. (2024). ASESMEN POTENSIAL REVIEW PADA KARYAWAN CV BM DALAM PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA. Nathiqiyyah, 7(2), 99 - 109.