• Henky Fernando Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords: Rissing Authority, Ustad, Muslims, and urban Millennials



Studi ini fokus pada pertanyaan “Faktor apa yang mendorong munculnya otoritas keagamaan baru dikalangan muslim milenial urban?” Untuk menganalisis pertanyaan tersebut studi ini menggunakan pendekatan deskripstif kualitatif terhadap sejumlah ustad muda dan jemaah dari kalangan milenial urban yang aktif mengikuti kajian-kajian di masjid. Ustad muda dan jemaah tersebut diwawancarai secara intensif tidak terstruktur untuk mengeksplorasi data mengenai praktik, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman mereka dalam mempelajari maupun menjadi seorang pendakwah di kalangan muslim milenial urban. Temuan dalam studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa munculnya otoritas keagamaan baru dikalangan muslim milenial urban dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor dominan, yaitu; Pertama, faktor struktural berupa dukungan dari jemaah maupun pengurus masjid dalam bentuk fasilitas dakwah. Kedua, faktor kultural dari jemaah dan pengurus masjid yang lebih terbuka dalam menerima dakwah ustad muda.

Kata Kunci: Rissing Authority, Ustad, Kaum muslim, dan Milenial urban.


Studies that have discussed this phenomenon have only focused on the adaptation and transformation of da'wah activities, so the emergence of young ustad among urban millennial Muslims has not been comprehensively discussed. This study focuses on the question, "What factors drive the emergence of new religious authorities among urban millennial Muslims?" This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to several young religious teachers and congregations from urban millennials who actively participate in mosque studies to analyse this question. The young ustad and the congregation were interviewed in an intensive, unstructured manner to explore data regarding their practices, knowledge, and experience in studying and becoming preachers among urban millennial Muslims. The findings in this study show that two dominant factors, namely, influence the emergence of a new religious authority among urban millennial Muslims; First, structural factors in the form of support from congregations and mosque administrators in the form of da'wah facilities. Second, cultural factors from congregations and mosque administrators who are more open in accepting young ustad's da'wah.

Keywords: Rissing Authority, Ustad, Muslims, and urban Millennials.

Author Biography

Henky Fernando, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Doctoral Candidate at Department Anthropology Universitas Gadjah Mada


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How to Cite
Fernando, H. (2023). RISSING AUTHORITY: THE NEW OF USTAD AMONG URBAN MILLENNIAL MUSLIMS. Dakwatul Islam, 7(2), 169 - 180. https://doi.org/10.46781/dakwatulislam.v7i2.700