Jurnal Ar-Ribhu  (Journal of Islamic Economics), published by the Economics Study Program of the Diniyyah Islamic Institute Pekanbaru since 2020. Subjects include textual studies and field research with various perspectives of Islamic economics, Islamic public finance, Islamic finance, Islamic accounting, Islamic business ethics, Islamic banking, Islamic insurance, Islamic economic thought, Islamic human resource management, Islamic microfinance, Islamic development economics, Islamic monetary economics, Islamic fiscal economics, Islamic capital markets, and other relevant themes. Thus, Indonesian and non-Indonesian scholars have enriched the studies published in this journal. Although the journal has not presented quality scholarly articles since its inception, improvements - both in terms of format, language style, and academic quality - continue to be made. Now, with articles written in Indonesian, Arabic, and English, and with fair peer-review procedures, Ar Ribhu continues to publish research and studies related to Islamic finance and economics with various dimensions and approaches.

Jurnal Ar-Ribhu is published twice a year, June and December, placing Islamic finance, economics, and society in the main focus of academic inquiry and inviting a comprehensive look at Islamic economics as a theological belief and system of society and Muslims as believers with its various aspects. The journal serves as a forum for the study of Islamic economics in Indonesia and other parts of the world in challenging local and global contexts, supporting focused Islamic finance and economic studies with specialized and interdisciplinary themes. Ar Ribhu has become a medium for the dissemination and exchange of ideas and research findings, so that researchers, writers, and readers from various learning traditions have interacted scientifically. Ar-Ribhu already has an online ISSN 2808 - 1439 and a print ISSN 2614-7823 registered at http://issn.lipi.go.id/

Journal Title : Jurnal Ar-Ribhu Journal of Islamic Economics
Frequency : 2 issues per year
Subject : Islamic of Economics
Language : English (Preferred), Indonesia
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar
ISSN : 2614-7823 (Printed)
E-ISSN : 2808 - 1439 (Online)
Website : https://ojs.diniyah.ac.id/index.php/Ar-Ribhu
Website Prodi :  https://ekonomisyariah-diniyah.ac.id/
Website Institusi : https://www.diniyyah.ac.id/

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