Celebrity Worship dan Perilaku Konsumtif pada Remaja Penggemar K-Pop di Kota Pekanbaru
This study aims to see if there is a relationship between Celebrity Worship and consumptive behavior in teenage k-pop fans in Pekanbaru city. The hypothesis in this study is whether there is a relationship between Celebrity Worship and consumptive behavior in teenage k-pop fans in Pekanbaru city. Respondents in this study amounted to 125 members of the MOARMY community at the age of middle adolescence and late adolescence, namely 15-21 years. The research instrument used in this scale is the Consumptive Behavior Scale which has been constructed by Wati Simalango (2020) which refers to the aspects of Angel, Blackwell, & Miniard (2018) and the Celebrity Worship scale using the Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) developed by Maltby, Houran, and McCutcheon (2002). This study was analyzed using simple linear regression techniques. The results of this study are based on the results of hypothesis testing, the results obtained are that there is no relationship between Celebrity Worship and consumptive behavior in teenage k-pop fans in Pekanbaru city. The results of the analysis using the Kolmogorov-smimov correlation technique show that there is no significant relationship between Celebrity Worship and Consumptive Behavior in teenage k-pop fans in Pekanbaru city because (r = 0.003, p> 0.05) which means that the hypothesis proposed in this study is rejected. The limitations in the study occurred when collecting the data which was carried out securely in the ring, which led to the researcher not being able to follow the data securely. This hall opens up the possibility of falking good in filling out the questionnaire. The reason the hypothesis is rejected is because there are several other factors that have a greater influence, namely self-concept and age. So the suggestion for future researchers is to further consider other variables that have a greater influence than Celebrity Worship.

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